I'm writing a class wrapper for LinkedIn API and I'm using Zend Framework 1.11.2. Here is a snippet I have:
$config = Pb_Portal::getInstance()->getConfig('linkedin.ini');
$body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
$body .= '<share>';
$body .= '<comment>83% of employers will use social media to hire: 78% LinkedIn, 55% Facebook, 45% Twitter [SF Biz Times] http://bit.ly/cCpeOD</comment>';
$body .= '<content>';
$body .= '<title>Survey: Social network开发者_开发知识库s top hiring tool - San Francisco Business Times</title>';
$body .= '<submitted-url>http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/2010/06/28/daily34.html</submitted-url>';
$body .= '<submitted-image-url>http://images.bizjournals.com/travel/cityscapes/thumbs/sm_sanfrancisco.jpg</submitted-image-url>';
$body .= '</content>';
$body .= '<visibility>';
$body .= '<code>anyone</code>';
$body .= '</visibility>';
$body .= '</share>';
$client = Zend_Oauth::getHttpClient();
$client->setHeaders('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_consumer_key', $config->appKey);
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_nonce', $config->appSecretKey);
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_token', $acc->getToken());
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_timestamp', time());
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1');
$client->setParameterPost('oauth_version', '1.0');
$response = $client->request();
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($response->getBody());
And I have this response:
SimpleXMLElement Object
[status] => 401
[timestamp] => 1299581073233
[error-code] => 0
[message] => Unknown authentication scheme
Can somebody help me? Where I go wrong?
I had a similar problem (although I am just retrieving user info). This link helped a great deal. Instead of constructing the params as get variables, you allow the token to construct the http client from your options.
You may need to change the way you are writing class wrapper.
You can take idea from this post and accepted answer there!!
Linkedin: How to make api calls using access token?
best of luck