How can I merge two arrays when array 1 values will be in even places and array 2 will be in odd places?
$arr1=array(11, 34,30);
$arr2=array(12, 666);
$output=array(11, 12, 34, 666,30);
This will work correctly no matter the length of the two arrays, or their keys (it does not index into them):
$result = array();
while(!empty($arr1) || !empty($arr2)) {
if(!empty($arr1)) {
$result[] = array_shift($arr1);
if(!empty($arr2)) {
$result[] = array_shift($arr2);
Edit: My original answer had a bug; fixed that.
try this
$odd= array_combine(range(0,2*count($arr1)-1,2), $arr1);
$even = array_combine(range(1,2*count($arr2)-1,2), $arr2);
echo "<pre>";
[0] => 11
[1] => 12
[2] => 34
[3] => 666
[4] => 30
[5] => 23
[6] => 35
Assuming $arr1 and $arr2 are simple enumerated arrays of equal size, or where $arr2 has only one element less that $arr1.
$arr1 = array(11, 34);
$arr2 = array(12, 666);
$output = array();
foreach($arr1 as $key => $value) {
$output[] = $value;
if (isset($arr2[$key])) {
$output[] = $arr2[$key];
Go through array with more items, use loop index to access both arrays and combine them into resulting one as required...
$longer = (count($arr1) > count($arr2) ? $arr1 : $arr2);
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($longer); $i++) {
$result[] = $arr1[i];
if ($arr2[i]) {
$result[] = $arr2[i];
} else {
$result[] = 0; // no item in arr2 for given index