hi every one i have an array
21 44 56 777
i am using strtok function to seperate them on the basis of space
int i;
char *token;
token = strtok(payload1, " ");
printf ( "\n\n\nTOKEN %s" , token);
i works fine that is it displayed开发者_如何学编程 21. now i want display 44 using the same variable token how to do that
thanks kindly help me
You will need to repeatedly apply strtok.
token = strtok(payload1, " ");
while ( token != NULL)
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
// do your stuffs
try this
while(token != NULL){
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
the implementation of strtok saves the pointer to the string in a private variable on the first call. On subsequent calls that the first parameter is NULL it will return the next token of initial string.
Since strtok uses some private storage to save the pointer you can not process two different strings simultaneously, and it is not reentrant.
If you want to sue strtok use the reentrant version, strtok_r that is safer even if you are not running multiple treads.
for example if function A is using strtok to parse a string and in the middle of it calls another function that also uses strtok to parse another string, function A will get the wrong result.
Also keep in mind that strtok modifies the string, ergo cannot be used on static allocations.