Hi I am fairly new to Drawing with Andro开发者_C百科id. I was looking for a simplest way to do the following:
- change the position of an image I have placed at a starting x,y location
- may layout has background images, etc, I have a frame layout defined with a placeholder in xml.
- I have found may questions related to moving images on fling, or dragging.
I just need a basic setup, where my code generates a value for x,y and then I just translate the image to its new location with these x,y values. i.e. translate.image(x,y); most items I find get complex dealing with gestures, animations etc.
I have this basic framelayout in my main xml layout:
Try something like this:
FrameLayout myView = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.graphics_holder);
int toX = 50; // change these
int toY = 100;
LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) myView.getLayoutParams();
lp.leftMargin = toX;
lp.topMargin = toY;
myView.layout(toX, toY, 0, 0); // might be unnecessary