I want to subtract time as to get a result of hour and minutes (not a date), for instance
02/26/2006 06:25 PM
02/26/2006 06:23 PM
2 Minutes
Also, the times I want to subtract from are strings, not datetime objects.
Convert the strings to date/time objects. Then you will be able to take advantage of date functions. Get the total difference in minutes and simple division / mod will give you the total hours and minutes.
<cfset time1 = parseDateTime("02/26/2006 06:25 PM")>
<cfset time2 = parseDateTime("02/26/2006 06:23 PM")>
<cfset diff = dateDiff("n", time2, time1)>
<cfset hours = int(diff / 60)>
<cfset minutes = diff mod 60>