I have a multiple select and an autocomplete input. Each time the user insert an element in the autocomplete input I would like to select the corresponding element in the multiple select.
I have this code:
.autocomplete('autocomplete', jQuery.extend({}, {
dataType: 'json',
parse: function(data) {
var parsed = [];
for (key in data) {
parsed[parsed.length] = { data: [ data[key], key ], value: data[key], result: data[key] };
return parsed;
}, {multiple:true}))
.result(function(event, data) {
$("#select option[value=" + key + "]").attr("selected", true);
The action autocomplete is returning this kind of data:
The problem: the value of "key" (value=" + key + ")
is always 18, even when i select element_17.
Any idea what should i change/add?
Ok, so what is going on, is you are formating your data incorrectly for your auto complete.
you want each auto-complete element to look like
{ 'key' : '17', 'value' : 'element 17' }
And you would need to send down an array of elements that looks like this
[ { 'key' : '17', 'value' : 'element 17' },
{ 'key' : '18', 'value' : 'element 18' } ]