
Eliminating my explicit state passing via like, monads and stuff

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-14 10:55 出处:网络
I\'m working through the book Land of Lisp in F# (yeah weird, I know). For their first example text adventure, they make use of global variable mutation and I\'d like to avoid it. My monad-fu is weak,

I'm working through the book Land of Lisp in F# (yeah weird, I know). For their first example text adventure, they make use of global variable mutation and I'd like to avoid it. My monad-fu is weak, s开发者_开发问答o right now I'm doing ugly state passing like this:

let pickUp player thing (objects: Map<Location, Thing list>) =
    let objs = objects.[player.Location]
    let attempt = objs |> List.partition (fun o -> o.Name = thing)
    match attempt with
    | [], _ -> "You cannot get that.", player, objs
    | thing :: _, things ->
        let player' = { player with Objects = thing :: player.Objects }
        let msg = sprintf "You are now carrying %s %s" thing.Article thing.Name
        msg, player', things

let player = { Location = Room; Objects = [] }   

let objects =
    [Room, [{ Name = "whiskey"; Article = "some" }; { Name = "bucket"; Article = "a" }];
    Garden, [{ Name = "chain"; Article = "a length of" }]]
    |> Map.ofList

let msg, p', o' = pickUp player "bucket" objects
// etc.

How can I factor out the explicit state to make it prettier? (Assume I have access to a State monad type if it helps; I know there is sample code for it in F# out there.)

If you want to use the state monad to thread the player's inventory and world state through the pickUp function, here's one approach:

type State<'s,'a> = State of ('s -> 'a * 's)

type StateBuilder<'s>() =
  member x.Return v : State<'s,_> = State(fun s -> v,s)
  member x.Bind(State v, f) : State<'s,_> =
    State(fun s ->
      let (a,s) = v s
      let (State v') = f a
      v' s)

let withState<'s> = StateBuilder<'s>()

let getState = State(fun s -> s,s)
let putState v = State(fun _ -> (),v)

let runState (State f) init = f init

type Location = Room | Garden
type Thing = { Name : string; Article : string }
type Player = { Location : Location; Objects : Thing list }

let pickUp thing =
  withState {
    let! (player, objects:Map<_,_>) = getState
    let objs = objects.[player.Location]
    let attempt = objs |> List.partition (fun o -> o.Name = thing)    
    match attempt with    
    | [], _ -> 
        return "You cannot get that."
    | thing :: _, things ->    
        let player' = { player with Objects = thing :: player.Objects }        
        let objects' = objects.Add(player.Location, things)
        let msg = sprintf "You are now carrying %s %s" thing.Article thing.Name
        do! putState (player', objects')
        return msg

let player = { Location = Room; Objects = [] }   
let objects =
  [Room, [{ Name = "whiskey"; Article = "some" }; { Name = "bucket"; Article = "a" }]
   Garden, [{ Name = "chain"; Article = "a length of" }]]    
  |> Map.ofList

let (msg, (player', objects')) = 
  (player, objects)
  |> runState (pickUp "bucket")

If you want to use mutable state in F#, then the best way is just to write a mutable object. You can declare a mutable Player type like this:

type Player(initial:Location, objects:ResizeArray<Thing>) =
  let mutable location = initial
  member x.AddThing(obj) =
  member x.Location 
    with get() = location
    and set(v) = location <- v

Using monads to hide mutable state isn't as common in F#. Using monads gives you essentially the same imperative programming model. It hides the passing of state, but it doesn't change the programming model - there is some mutable state that makes it impossible to parallelize the program.

If the example uses mutation, then it is probably because it was designed in an imperative way. You can, change the program architecture to make it more functional. For example, instead of picking the item (and modifying the player), the pickUp function could just return some object representing a request to pick the item. The world would then have some engine that evaluates these requests (collected from all players) and calculates the new state of the world.



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