For a given vector like this,
Vector<Temp> s = new Vector<Temp>();
s.add(new Temp("a",1));
s.add(new Temp("b",2));
s.add(new Temp("c",3));
s.add(new Temp("b",4));
s.add(new Temp("b",6));
s.add(new Temp("c",5));
desired sequencing(b,a,c)
after sorting, it 开发者_Go百科should be like
I know how to use comparator to sort objects according to one field, but here the problem is different, the desired sequence varies, and I have to sort according to that sequence every time.
Any ideas?
You should write a custom comparator that takes the sequence as argument, and compares the elements accordingly.
Here is an example implementation:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vector<Temp> s = new Vector<Temp>();
s.add(new Temp("a",1));
s.add(new Temp("b",2));
s.add(new Temp("c",3));
s.add(new Temp("b",4));
s.add(new Temp("b",6));
s.add(new Temp("c",5));
String[] seq = { "b", "a", "c" };
Collections.sort(s, new CustomComparator(seq));
for (Temp tmp : s)
static class CustomComparator implements Comparator<Temp> {
List<String> sequence;
CustomComparator(String[] seq) {
sequence = Arrays.asList(seq);
public int compare(Temp t1, Temp t2) {
if (t1.s.equals(t2.s))
return ((Integer) t1.i).compareTo(t2.i);
return sequence.indexOf(t1.s) - sequence.indexOf(t2.s);
Output: ( demo)
(b, 2)
(b, 4)
(b, 6)
(a, 1)
(c, 3)
(c, 5)
Just a quick idea: you may build a map {b->0, a->1, c->2} representing your sequence and then use mapped values in the comparator instead of actual fields.
You can still use a comparator. First compare the String fields and if equal rather than returning 0 compare the int fields. Your Comparator would only return zero if both fields are identical.
A comparator is still applicable here. Implement the comparable interface in your class and use both the sequence and the value as part of your compareTo() logic.