I am experiencing issues when I am trying to run my .rb-file with the Ruby-command trying to access a gem. The gem i am trying to use is Ruby-Whois. I have an example script below that when I try to execute it through "ruby whois.rb" I get this error message:
./whois.rb:6: uninitialized constant Whois (NameError)
However, if I run the same script line by line in IRB I get the expected result. What may cause this?
开发者_如何学JAVABelow is whois.rb
require "rubygems"
require "whois"
domain = "google.com"
c = Whois::Client.new
a = c.query(domain)
puts a
change the name of your file - there is ambiguity in require 'whois'
and ruby is requireing your file instead of a gem. when you do it line by line in irb ruby knows what you exactly want to require, so everything works.