I want to make a web application , this web application will be a (schedule system) contains all time tables for(a university)(entering events,showing the events at those times,change events .... and开发者_运维技巧 other actions).
first :please ,i ask about free good schedule controls for this task.(i want many of them to select the convenient for me).
second : i need help, recommendation,what is supposed to do to begin this task, and if there is any similar web applications for this.
feel free to explain the ideas.
thanks a a lot.
Take a look at FullCalendar (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/). It's a jQuery calendar with month, week and day views and support easy mouse editing of events.
It's not a server control, but it shouldn't be too hard to integrate into asp.net website.
I haven't seen any good server controls that are free. Telerik and DevExpress do have quite nice Scheduler components, but cost something.