I'm developing an IE8+ BHO plugin. For now I'm simply trying to insert a text into an iframe (class="Al Ai Editable") contained in another iframe (id="canvas_frame").
I managed to obtain the IHTMLElement of the iframe i want to add text to (the class="Al Ai editable"). I can prove this by the fact that the el variable which is of type IHTMLElement :
el->get_className(&cl); //Al Ai editable
is correctly displaying the class of the iframe in the MessageBox.
The problem i have now is that i can't access the body element of this respective iframe.
For example when i try to access the body of the iframe with its id using the following code then this crashes the browser:
el->getElementById(L":d6", &el); // ":d6" is the id of the body inside the iframe
Also, trying to obtain the inner HTML or inner Text i simply obtain an empty string:
MessageBox(hwnd, htm, L"BHO cl", MB_OK);
MessageBox(hwnd, htm, L"BHO cl", MB_OK);
displays nothing ("").
I've even tryed the el->get_children method and that didn't help either.
Here's a the whole function :
void CgmailAdderBHO::checkIframes(HWND hwnd, IDispatch *lpDisp) {
if (lpDisp) {
IOleContainer* pContainer;
// Get the container
HRESULT hr = lpDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IOleContainer,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
IEnumUnknown* pEnumerator;
// Get an enumerator for the frames
hr = pContainer->EnumObjects(OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS, &pEnumerator);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
IUnknown* pUnk;
ULONG uFetched;
// Enumerate and refresh all the frames
for (UINT i = 0; S_OK == pEnumerator->Next(1, &pUnk, &uFetched); i++)
IWebBrowser2* pBrowser;
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&pBrowser);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// process the iframe
CComPtr<IDispatch> docDisp;
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument3> doc = docDisp;
CComQIPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> iframes;
HRESULT hr = doc->getElementsByTagName(SysAllocString(L"body"), &iframes);
long length;
CComVariant itemIndex(0);
CComVariant empty;
CComQIPtr<IDispatch> htmlEl;
iframes->item(itemIndex, empty, &htmlEl);
CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> el = htmlEl;
BSTR cl;
BSTR cln(L"cP");
if (cl && strcmp(OLE2A(cl), "cP") == 0) {
//this is the canvas_frame
// check if it has any other subframes
BSTR html;
doc->getElementsByTagName(SysAllocString(L"iframe"), &iframes);
if (iframes) {
if (length > 0) {
//MessageBox(hwnd, L"We are on compose!", L"BHO", MB_OK);
//add encrypt button code here
iframes->item(itemIndex, empty, &htmlEl);
el = htmlEl;
el->get_className(&cl); //Al Ai editable
BSTR htm;
MessageBox(hwnd, cl, L"BHO cl", MB_OK);
MessageBox(hwnd, htm, L"BHO cl", MB_OK);
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument3> docul = htmlEl;
//docul->getElementById(L":d6", &el);
break; // found iframe ; now exit for
The reason for the error is a security restriction. You're accessing a nested iframe so you'll need to reconfigure your function to work recursively to bypass the restriction.
See how you access the first level of iframes using
hr = pContainer->EnumObjects(OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS, &pEnumerator);
but then use
doc->getElementsByTagName(SysAllocString(L"iframe"), &iframes);'
to access the nested iframes ? That's the error, you need to access the nested iframes the same as the first ones, using EnumObjects and then getting the IWebBrowser2 interface.