Hey, I'm having a hard time implementing something, that I guess shouldn't be hard. I've been reading many posts, and I still can't figure it out, though it is probably answered, and I might just simply not understand the answer :/
So, I have a class, defining an algorithm file three_dpll.py in logics/ and a couple of helper functions
class three_dpll(object):
def __extend__(self, symbol, value, mod):
""" __extend__(symbol, value) - extends the model
def three_dpll(self, formula, symbols, mod):
""" three_dpll(formula, symbols, mod) - calculates 3-DPLL \n
NOTE: This algorithm should not be overwritten in any derived class!!"""
# find unit clause
curr_data = self.__find_unit_clause__(formula, mod)
current_symbol = curr_data[0]
current_value = curr_data[1]
if current_symbol != None:
return three_dpll(formula, symbols - current_symbol_set,
self.__extend__(current_symbol, current_value, mod))
and a logic that should implement the algorithm for a certain logic, where I might redefine certain methods like from logics.three_dpll.py (or any other helper function for that matter )
from three_dpll import three_dpll
class kleene_logic(three_dpll):
""" This is the definition of Kleene logic """
and now calling it from a function in another file:
def satisfiable(logic, formula):
""" satisfiable - \
takes a logic and a set of formula and returns true or false"""
# model is empty dictionary
model = {}
# symbols is a set
symbols = set()
my_logic = "logics."+logic # logic is passed as string to the script
__import__(my_logic, fromlist=['three_dpll'])
log = modules[my_logic]
used_logic = log.kleene_logic()
for clause in formula:
ite = iter(clause)
for literal in ite:
return used_logic.three_dpll(formula, symbols, model)
except FormulaValid.FormulaValid:
return True
The error I get is:
in three_dpll
self.__extend__(current_symbol, current_value, mod)) TypeError: object.__new_开发者_Go百科_() takes no parameters
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Your class three_dpll also has a method three_dpll. When you
return three_dpll(...)
you are creating an instance of that class (instead of calling the method, which is probably what you wanted to do). The class has no __init__()
function that could handle the arguments that you are giving. That is what the error message tells you.
What you want is probably something like
return self.three_dpll(...)
which would call the method. Not shure if it solves your problem, but that should explain something.