I'm looking to do the following in Excel:
I have a table and want to write a function or formula to look at the values in one column and where they are identical, take the value in another column and concatenate it to the column value for the first record it found (in a new column).
For example:
1 810 ANDERSON TERR 1817-2 1817-2
10 1940 HILLSIDE DR 1315-42 1315-42
101 TRANQUILLE RD 开发者_StackOverflow 1518-53 1518-53 1517-30
101 TRANQUILLE RD 1517-30
1020 HILLSIDE DR 1417-111 1417-111 1417-112
1020 HILLSIDE DR 1417-112
10285 DALLAS DR 1330-10 1330-10 1330-3
10285 DALLAS DR 1330-3
1051 PINE SPRINGS RD 2218-46 2218-46 2218-18 2218-31 2217-6 2218-32
1051 PINE SPRINGS RD 2217-18
1051 PINE SPRINGS RD 2218-31
1051 PINE SPRINGS RD 2217-6
1051 PINE SPRINGS RD 2218-32
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!
I would sort the table on the column in question, then you get all rows with the same column value after each other. On the sorted table, you can then use a function like
=IF('column value' = 'previous column value', 'concatenate values', '')
If you always need to concatenate the FIRST value found, you can make another column that always contains just the first found value for a set of rows that belong together and concatenate with that.
More precise:
1) Sort table 2) Assuming Address in column A and Page in column B, add this formula in column C (and copy down):
=IF(A2=A1,C1& " " & B2, B2)
This gives exactly the values in your example:
1 ANDERSON 1817-2 1817-2
10 HILLSIDE 1315-42 1315-42
101 TRANQUILLE 1518-53 1518-53
101 TRANQUILLE 1517-30 1518-53 1517-30
1020 HILLSIDE 1417-111 1417-111
1020 HILLSIDE 1417-112 1417-111 1417-112
10285 DALLAS 1330-10 1330-10
10285 DALLAS 1330-3 1330-10 1330-3
1051 PINE 2218-46 2218-46
1051 PINE 2217-18 2218-46 2217-18
1051 PINE 2218-31 2218-46 2217-18 2218-31
1051 PINE 2217-6 2218-46 2217-18 2218-31 2217-6
1051 PINE 2218-32 2218-46 2217-18 2218-31 2217-6 2218-32
If you do not want the intermediate concatenations you have to hide column C and make another one which copies the value of column C when the value in column A changes.
And as a function:
Sub Combine()
Dim rwNumber As Integer
Dim value As String
Dim oldValue As String
Dim concatenatedString As String
'Sort the table
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A2"), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort
.SetRange Range("A2:C14")
.Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
For rwNumber = 2 To 100
'gets value of first cell
value = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rwNumber, 1).value
If value = oldValue Then
concatenatedString = concatenatedString + " " + ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rwNumber, 2).value
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rwNumber - 1, 3).value = concatenatedString
concatenatedString = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rwNumber, 2).value
End If
oldValue = value
Next rwNumber
End Sub
Or something like that :-)