How to parse only one node with Touch XML
My ObjC code
CXML开发者_如何学编程Document *rssParser = [[[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url options:0 error:nil] autorelease];
// Create a new Array object to be used with the looping of the results from the rssParser
NSArray *resultNodes = NULL;
// Set the resultNodes Array to contain an object for every instance of an node in our RSS feed
resultNodes = [rssParser nodesForXPath:@"Link" error:nil];
I haven't worked with TouchXML, but I have found the next example:
NSArray *root = [rssParser nodesForXPath:@"//Link" error:nil];
CXMLElement Link = [root objectAtIndex:0];
See if it helps...
Maybe you should use:
NSArray *root = [rssParser nodesForXPath:@"//" error:nil];