I'm having problems with Suds and I can't figure out what makes it behave like this. I'm trying to call a webservice and that service takes one complex type as an argument (ShippingGuideRequestType). I'll post my pdb session and try to explain what is happening. The 'request' variable you see is of type ShippingGuideRequestType and it is created using client.factory.create("ShippingGuideRequestType").
(Pdb) request
UserInformation =
Usercode = None
RequestProperties =
SchemaVersion = None
Language = None
WithPrice = None
WithExpectedDelivery = None
WithGuiInformation = None
NumberOfAlternativeDeliveryDates = None
EDI = None
PostingAtPostoffice = None
Trace = None
ProductIds =
ProductId[] = <empty>
Consignment =
FromCountryCode = None
FromPostalCode = None
ToCountryCode = None
ToPostalCode = None
ShippingDate =
Year = None
Month = None
Day = None
Hour = None
Minute = None
开发者_如何学编程 }
EarlyCollectionAtTerminal = None
AdditionalServices =
AdditionalService[] = <empty>
Packages =
Package[] = <empty>
The ShippingGuideRequestType looks OK, now let's try to populate the required fields with data. Let's first deal with the UserInformation property. This is created using client.factory.create("UserInformationType"):
(Pdb) userInformation
Usercode = "-CENCORED-"
Now let's handle the ProductIds which is created using client.factory.create("ProductIdsType"):
(Pdb) productsInput
ProductId[] =
The final required property is the PackagesInputType, this is created in a bit more complex manner. First I create the PackagesInputType, then I create an array of PackageInputType (using client.factory.create("PackageInputType")).
(Pdb) packagesInput
Package[] =
Height =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
Width =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
Length =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
GrossWeight =
value = 1000
_unitCode = "GRM"
Volume =
value = None
_unitCode = "DMQ"
VolumeSpecial = None
FromCountryCode = None
FromPostalCode = "7800"
ToCountryCode = None
ToPostalCode = "7041"
ShippingDate =
Year = None
Month = None
Day = None
Hour = None
Minute = None
AdditionalServices =
AdditionalService[] = <empty>
EarlyCollectionAtTerminal = None
_packageId = "myRef"
(Pdb) request.UserInformation = userInformation
(Pdb) request.ProductIds = productsInput
(Pdb) request.Packages = packagesInput
(Pdb) request
UserInformation =
Usercode = "-CENCORED"
RequestProperties =
SchemaVersion = None
Language = None
WithPrice = None
WithExpectedDelivery = None
WithGuiInformation = None
NumberOfAlternativeDeliveryDates = None
EDI = None
PostingAtPostoffice = None
Trace = None
ProductIds =
ProductId[] =
Consignment =
FromCountryCode = None
FromPostalCode = None
ToCountryCode = None
ToPostalCode = None
ShippingDate =
Year = None
Month = None
Day = None
Hour = None
Minute = None
EarlyCollectionAtTerminal = None
AdditionalServices =
AdditionalService[] = <empty>
Packages =
Package[] =
Height =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
Width =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
Length =
value = 10
_unitCode = "CMT"
GrossWeight =
value = 1000
_unitCode = "GRM"
Volume =
value = None
_unitCode = "DMQ"
VolumeSpecial = None
FromCountryCode = None
FromPostalCode = "7800"
ToCountryCode = None
ToPostalCode = "7041"
ShippingDate =
Year = None
Month = None
Day = None
Hour = None
Minute = None
AdditionalServices =
AdditionalService[] = <empty>
EarlyCollectionAtTerminal = None
_packageId = "myRef"
In my point of view the structure looks fine, now let's try to call the service.
(Pdb) self.client.service.ShippingGuide(request)
2011-02-28 14:32:37 ERROR suds.client <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="http://www.bring.no/logistics/shippingguide/1.0" xmlns:ns1="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns0:Package packageId="myRef">
<ns0:Height unitCode="CMT">10</ns0:Height>
<ns0:Width unitCode="CMT">10</ns0:Width>
<ns0:Length unitCode="CMT">10</ns0:Length>
<ns0:GrossWeight unitCode="GRM">1000</ns0:GrossWeight>
<ns0:Volume unitCode="DMQ"/>
*** WebFault: Server raised fault: 'FG_INPUT_003 User information missing from request. [errorId cf19f72b-0795-4f58-8a70-a8c1846ba186]'
What happened here? Why is everything encoded within the UserInformation element?
Have you give this a go:
shipping = client.factory.create("ShippingGuideRequestType")
shipping.UserInformation.UserCode = val1
shipping.RequestProperties.SchemaVersion = val2
shipping.RequestProperties.Language = val3
//Add the rest of the values.