Consider this scenario::- When i upload a view file in admin,A new menu is created in user side i.e dynamic creation of menus..
Ex: when admin upload a help view file, a help menu should appear in user side开发者_运维技巧 that possible,the controller for help should be created dynamically.
Sure, PyroCMS does this. Take a look at the module management code, specifically details.php. You'll need to do some of the development yourself for this but my code will demonstrate how I've done it.
I got something like this working a while back pretty easily..
Take a look at the simple example of how I did this... It was for a Help Site.
The Model
class Template_model extends Model {
function Template_model()
function load_pages()
$data = array();
$this->db->order_by('sort', 'ASC');
$query = $this->db->get('pages');
if ($query->num_rows() > 0){
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$data[] = array(
"name" => $row['name'],
"url" => $row['url']
return $data;
The controller
class View extends Controller {
function View()
function index()
//echo "oops";
function topic()
$page = $this->uri->segment(3);
//get the page id
$id = $this->view_model->get_page_id_by_url($page);
$id = $id['id'];
//get the page title
$data['title'] = $this->view_model->get_page_title($id);
//load the post by page id
$data['posts'] = $this->view_model->get_page_posts($id);
//load the header
$data['pages'] = $this->template_model->load_pages();
//load the view
$data['main_content'] = 'view/page';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
function article()
$url = $this->uri->segment(3);
//get the post by url
$data['post'] = $this->view_model->get_post_by_url($url);
$id = $data['post']['page_id'];
//get the page title
$data['title'] = $this->view_model->get_page_title($id);
//load the post by page id
$data['posts'] = $this->view_model->get_page_posts($id);
//load the header
$data['pages'] = $this->template_model->load_pages();
//load the view
$data['main_content'] = 'view/article';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
/* End of file view.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/view.php */
and the view..
<div id="navigation">
foreach($pages as $page)
<li <?php if($on_page == $page['url']) { echo 'class="selected"'; }?>><a href="<?php echo base_url().'view/topic/'.$page['url'];?>"><?php echo $page['name'];?></a></li>
<!-- top navigation use selected class for selected item -->
<div id="rNav" ><ul><li <?php if($on_page == 'admin') { echo 'class="selected"'; }?>><a href="<?php echo base_url();?>admin">Admin</a></li></ul></div>
<div id="rNav" ><ul><li <?php if($on_page == 'logout') { echo 'class="selected"'; }?>><a href="<?php echo base_url();?>logout">Logout</a></li></ul></div>
You should just route the links to a specific controller that handles menus