So I am trying to create a real simple dice game...more like a dice roller game and I have encountered a problem for which I have yet to find an answer. So obviously I have 6 images for the die faces(1-6), but what I am missing somewhere is how to basically assign values to these images when the "dice are rolled". So that when I begin to implement some game logic I can compare what the numbers of the die faces would be. Here is what I have so far, and as usual any assistance would be much appreciated.
public class CrapsGameActivity extends CrapsActivity {
private final int rollAnimations = 50;
private final int delayTime = 15;
private Resources res;
private final int[] diceImages = new int[]{R.drawable.die1, R.drawable.die2,
R.drawable.die3, R.drawable.die4, R.drawable.die5,R.drawable.die6};
private Drawable dice[] = new Drawable[6];
private final Random randomGen = new Random();
private int diceSum;
private int roll[] = new int[] {6,6};
private ImageView die1;
private TextView die1_Total;
private int die1_number;
private ImageView die2;
private TextView die2_Total;
private TextView diceTotal;
private LinearLayout diceContainer;
private Handler animationHandler;
private long lastUpdate = -1;
private float x, y, z;
private float last_x, last_y, last_z;
private boolean paused = false;
private static final int UPDATE_DELAY = 50;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
paused = false;
res = getResources();
for (int i = 0; i<6; i++){
dice[i] = res.getDrawable(diceImages[i]);
diceContainer = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
diceContainer.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
die1_Total.setText("" + roll[0]);
die2_Total.setText("" + roll[1]);
diceTotal.setText(""+ diceSum);
}catch(Exception e) {};
}//end of onClick
});//end of onClick listener
die1 = (ImageView) findViewById(;
die1_Total = (TextView) findViewById(;
die2 = (ImageView) findViewById(;
die2_Total = (TextView) findViewById(;
diceTotal = (TextView) findViewById(;
animationHandler = new Handler(){
开发者_运维百科 public void handleMessage(Message msg){
}//end of handle message
};//end of Handler
private void rollDice() {
if(paused) return;
new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
for(int i = 0; i < rollAnimations; i++){
}//end of for statement
}//end of run()
}).start();//end of thread
}//end of rollDice()
private void doRoll(){//only does a single roll
roll[0] = randomGen.nextInt(6);
roll[1] = randomGen.nextInt(6);
diceSum = roll[0] + roll[1] + 2;
try{//delay for smooth animations
}catch(final InterruptedException e){
}//end of doRoll()
public void onResume(){
paused = false;
}//end of onResume()
public void onPause(){
paused = true;
}//end of onPause()
}//end of activity
I may not be doing it properly but the code (below). When I use this to see the numbers on the emulator, they are random and dont correspond to the face values of the dice. So like if I wanted to total the face values of the dice (just ran it again now) 0 is for 6 face, and 2 is for the 3 face, which should give me a total dice face of 9, but I am getting 2
public void onClick(View v) {
die1_Total.setText("" + roll[0]);
die2_Total.setText("" + roll[1]);
diceTotal.setText(""+ diceSum);
}catch(Exception e) {};
roll[0] = randomGen.nextInt(6);
roll[1] = randomGen.nextInt(6);
There are your values. You don't want the image to contain the data (or at least, I wouldn't bother). Instead, you render the images/animations based on these values, and can then work with those values directly later.
If you wanted to store the values with the images, you could always make an object (GameDie) and store the images and current value in there.