The title for this one was quite tricky.
I'm trying to solve a scenario, Imagine a survey was sent out to XXXXX amount of people, asking them what their favourite football club was. From the response back, it's obvious that while many are favourites of the same club, they all "expressed" it in different ways. For example,
For Manchester United, some variations include...
- Man U
- Man Utd.
- Man Utd.
- Manchester U
- Manchester Utd
All are obviously the same club however, if using a simple technique, of just trying to get an extract string match, each would be a separate result.
Now, if we further complication the scenario, let's say that because of the sheer volume of different clubs (eg. Man City, as M. City, Manchester City, etc), again plagued with this problem, its impossible to manually "enter" these variances and use that to create a custom filter such that converters all Man U -> Manchester United, Man Utd. > Manchester United, etc. But instead we want to automate this filter, to look for the most likely match and converter the data accordingly.
I'm trying to do this in Python (from a .cvs file) however welc开发者_如何学Come any pseudo answers that outline a good approach to solving this.
Edit: Some additional information This isn't working off a set list of clubs, the idea is to "cluster" the ones we have together. The assumption is there are no spelling mistakes. There is no assumed length of how many clubs And the survey list is long. Long enough that it doesn't warranty doing this manually (1000s of queries)
Google Refine does just this, but I'll assume you want to roll your own.
Note, difflib is built into Python, and has lots of features (including eliminating junk elements). I'd start with that.
You probably don't want to do it in a completely automated fashion. I'd do something like this:
# load corrections file, mapping user input -> output
# load survey
import difflib
possible_values = corrections.values()
for answer in survey:
output = corrections.get(answer,None)
if output = None:
likely_outputs = difflib.get_close_matches(input,possible_values)
output = get_user_to_select_output_or_add_new(likely_outputs)
corrections[answer] = output
Please edit your question with answers to the following:
You say "we want to automate this filter, to look for the most likely match" -- match to what?? Do you have a list of the standard names of all of the possible football clubs, or do the many variations of each name need to be clustered to create such a list?
How many clubs?
How many survey responses?
After doing very light normalisation (replace .
by space, strip leading/trailing whitespace, replace runs of whitespace by a single space, convert to lower case [in that order]) and counting, how many unique responses do you have?
Your focus seems to be on abbreviations of the standard name. Do you need to cope with nicknames e.g. Gunners -> Arsenal, Spurs -> Tottenham Hotspur? Acronyms (WBA -> West Bromwich Albion)? What about spelling mistakes, keyboard mistakes, SMS-dialect, ...? In general, what studies of your data have you done and what were the results?
You say """its impossible to manually "enter" these variances""" -- is it possible/permissible to "enter" some "variances" e.g. to cope with nicknames as above?
What are your criteria for success in this exercise, and how will you measure it?
It seems to me that you could convert many of these into a standard form by taking the string, lower-casing it, removing all punctuation, then comparing the start of each word.
If you had a list of all the actual club names, you could compare directly against that as well; and for strings which don't match first-n-letters to any actual team, you could try lexigraphical comparison against any of the returned strings which actually do match.
It's not perfect, but it should get you 99% of the way there.
import string
def words(s):
s = s.lower().strip(string.punctuation)
return s.split()
def bestMatchingWord(word, matchWords):
score,best = 0., ''
for matchWord in matchWords:
matchScore = sum(w==m for w,m in zip(word,matchWord)) / (len(word) + 0.01)
if matchScore > score:
score,best = matchScore,matchWord
return score,best
def bestMatchingSentence(wordList, matchSentences):
score,best = 0., []
for matchSentence in matchSentences:
total,words = 0., []
for word in wordList:
s,w = bestMatchingWord(word,matchSentence)
total += s
if total > score:
score,best = total,words
return score,best
def main():
data = (
"Man U",
"Man. Utd.",
"Manch Utd",
"Manchester U",
"Manchester Utd"
teamList = (
('aston', 'villa'),
('birmingham', 'city', 'bham'),
('blackburn', 'rovers', 'bburn'),
('blackpool', 'bpool'),
('bolton', 'wanderers'),
('manchester', 'city', 'cty'),
('manchester', 'united', 'utd'),
('newcastle', 'united', 'utd'),
('stoke', 'city'),
('tottenham', 'hotspur'),
('west', 'bromwich', 'albion'),
('west', 'ham', 'united', 'utd'),
('wigan', 'athletic'),
('wolverhampton', 'wanderers')
for d in data:
print "{0:20} {1}".format(d, bestMatchingSentence(words(d), teamList))
if __name__=="__main__":
run on sample data gets you
Man U (1.9867767507647776, ['manchester', 'united'])
Man. Utd. (1.7448074166742613, ['manchester', 'utd'])
Manch Utd (1.9946817328797555, ['manchester', 'utd'])
Manchester U (1.989100008901989, ['manchester', 'united'])
Manchester Utd (1.9956787398647866, ['manchester', 'utd'])