i would like to search inside an fx|XML Object for a node with label='notifications'
and inside of it a node with label='notifications2'
and i want to get an XML contains what's in it.
this is my Flex 4 Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Appli开发者_StackOverflow社区cation xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" creationComplete="_ccInit()">
<!-- Launch your application by right clicking within this class and select Debug As > FDT SWF Application -->
<fx:XML id="moshe">
<node state="root_item" label="notifications">
<node state="root_item" label="notifications2">
<node state="item" label="item" a="test1" b="test2" />
<node state="root_item" label="Winnings" />
<node state="root_item" label="Winnings2" />
<node state="root_item" label="Winnings3" />
<node state="root_item" label="Winnings4" />
<node state="root_item" label="Winnings5" />
import mx.controls.Alert;
private function _ccInit():void {
var newXml:XML = moshe.(@label == "notifications").(@label == "notifications2") as XML;
newXml is null. how can i resolve the issue ?
Your search will never work. You dont define a rootTag for the moshe XML, and you cannot have root tag, 'nodes' and 'elements' with the same name i.e. node. You will have to have properly formatted XML.
A search for Flex XML Search on StackOverflow will give plenty of examples