I have an ajax animation extender on my page which changes button color on different events like this :
button and extender code is:
asp:Button ID="target" runat="server" Text="Animate Me" OnClientClick="return false;">
aspext:AnimationExtender ID="extender" runat="server" TargetControlID="target">
OnLoad><StyleAction Attribute="backgroundColor" Value="red" /></OnLoad>
OnClick><StyleAction Attribute="backgroundColor" Value="blue" /></OnClick>
OnMouseOver><StyleAction Attribute="backgroundColor" Value="blue" />/OnMouseOver>
<OnMouseOut><StyleAction Attribute="backgroundColor" Value="green" /></OnMouseOut>
OnHoverOver><StyleAction Attribute="color" Value="blue" /></OnHoverOver>
OnHoverOut><StyleAction Attribute="color" Value="yellow" /></OnHoverOut>
I have Qunit test written on document.ready which matches the background color of button with expected value on load like this.
开发者_运维问答 $(document).ready(function () {
module('Animation OnLoad tests');
test(' Animation OnLoad ', function () {
panel = $('#target');
var actual = panel.css("background-color");
equals(actual, "red", 'Event failed to fire');
but problem is that test run before extender changes color of button, I also tried page load instead of document.ready but same issue. Please suggest me solution to this.
Take a look at how to write async tests with stop() and start(). You need a callback for the call to start though.