I'm running VMWare Workstation on Ubuntu 10.10. I have a series of virtual machines that I clone every week.
I've written a bash script that cycles through each of the virtual machines, softly suspends it, clones it, and then attempts to resume it.
The problem is, the VM's do not resume, so I have to manually resume them. I'm trying to figure out how I can modify the script I've written to ensure the VMs resume. I've included the script and a sample of the generated logfile showing the error message.
##Author: William Cooper
##Date: 2/15/2011
## Purpose: Perform full backups of Virtual Machines
## Running under开发者_运维百科 VMWare Workstation
## Script won't run if the /nas directory doesn't exist
## The /nas directory is a mounted Buffalo Terastation
## Check /etc/fstab if this mountpoint is broken
## No need to modify
DATEFILE=`/bin/date +%G%m%d`
## Run Command to find list of VM names:
## this will only be the name of the vm, no path and no .vmx
VMLIST=`vmrun list | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1`
## Initialize Counter variable used to cycle through VMs in VMARRAY variable
## Run Command to find list of VM Names and then store them in an Array:
## This will include full pathnames
VMARRAY=( `vmrun list | grep '/'` )
## Functions
## Notify the starting time of backup in the log
function startScript {
echo "----------------------------------------------------"
echo "START - ${VM}"
echo "Host: ${HOST}"
echo "Date: `date`"
## Suspend VM
function suspendVM {
## Suspend the VM
echo "Attempting to softly suspend "${VM}" . . ."
vmrun suspend ${VMARRAY[${COUNTER}]} soft
echo "${VM} Suspended on `date`"
## Backup VM
function doBackup {
## Check to see if the correct backup directory exists.
if [ ! -d ${BACKUPDEST}/${VM} ]; then
echo "${BACKUPDEST}/${VM} does not exist, creating . . ."
mkdir "${BACKUPDEST}/${VM}"
## Backup VM (clone)
echo "Backup of "${VM}" began: `date`"
echo "Backup to ${BACKUPDEST}/${VM}/BACKUP/${DATEFILE} . . ."
vmrun clone ${VMARRAY[${COUNTER}]} ${BACKUPDEST}/${VM}/BACKUP/${DATEFILE}/${VM}.vmx full
echo "Backup of "${VM}" ended: `date`"
## Start VM
function doStart {
## Resume VMs which were running [--type gui|sdl|vrdp|headless]
echo "Attempting to resume "${VM}" . . ."
vmrun start ${VMARRAY[${COUNTER}]}
echo "${VM} Resumed on `date`"
## Notify the finishing time of backup in the log
function finishScript {
echo "FINISH - ${VM}"
echo "Host: ${HOST}"
echo "Date: `date`"
echo "----------------------------------------------------"
## Script
for VM in ${VMLIST}
sleep 1
## StartScrip executes for logging
## Suspend VM performs soft suspend
sleep 3
## Do Backup performs the VM clone
sleep 3
## Start VM performs start vm
sleep 3
## FinishScript executes for logging
## Increment the Counter
done | tee "${BACKUPDEST}/logs/VMClone_${DATEFILE}.log"
## Script
An example of the generated logfile for each VM is shown below.
START - vmname
Host: servername
Date: Sat Feb 19 12:30:29 CST 2011
Attempting to softly suspend vmname . . .
vmname Suspended on Sat Feb 19 12:30:44 CST 2011
Backup of vmname began: Sat Feb 19 12:30:47 CST 2011
Backup to /nas/vmname/BACKUP/20110219 . . .
Backup of vmname ended: Sat Feb 19 12:43:16 CST 2011
Attempting to resume vmname . . .
Error: Cannot launch the UI because no display server is present in the current environment
vmname Resumed on Sat Feb 19 12:43:20 CST 2011
FINISH - vmname
Host: servername
Date: Sat Feb 19 12:43:23 CST 2011
Error: Cannot launch the UI because no display server is present in the current environment
You could use the nogui paramater to the start command, e.g:
vmrun start yourmachine.vmx nogui
See: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vix180_vmrun_command.pdf
Since no solid answer has been found I'm just going to accept that under these specific circumstances there is no fix.
- Ubuntu 10.10 x64
- VMware Workstation 7
Solution: Close down VMware Workstation and choose for the VMs to "Run in the Background" Works flawlessly after that.
try doing echo $DISPLAY on your terminal TTY where vmware workstation runs. The echo $DISPLAY will return like :1000.0 you need to set export DISPLAY=":1000.0" in your script. then the script will resume the VM's.. i found this works when i use areca backup to resume my VM using postscript run in areca.
if the problem is because you are running vmrun from a ssh session, then another solution might be run a screen session on the server.
on the machine Workstation is running:
screen -S vmware
on the client machine,
ssh vmware-machine
screen -x vmware
vmrun start /path/to/vm.vmx