I am creating an in memory database in H2 database by the following code on servlet context startup
void initDb() {
try {
webserver = Server.createWebServer().start();
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:db1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1","SA","");
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("script.sql");
if (in == null) {
System.out.println("Please add the file script.sql to the classpath, pa开发者_StackOverflow社区ckage " + getClass().getPackage().getName());
} else {
RunScript.execute(conn, new InputStreamReader(in));
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT TO_CHAR(bday,'DD/MM/yyyy hh24:mi') FROM TEST2");
while (rs.next()) {
//accessed using url jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1
CachedRowSet crs = new DBConnector().executeQuery("select * from test2");
// System.out.println(",DATA_TYPE:"+crs.getString("DATA_TYPE"));
}catch(SQLException e){
} catch (Exception e) { //this exception gets throws connection failed!
System.out.println("Exception initializing memory H2 database"+e);
I am later on accessing by url jdbc:h2:mem:db1
in the same JVM, which is working too. But when i want to access it by jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1
it is not working either in the same JVM or in different JVM.
I actually want to run the system in embedded mode and see the contents using the console. If I start the webserver in the same servlet context startup method I am able to see the Console but it is still not connecting to the in memory DB with url jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1
If I start the server using Command line using
java -cp "WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/h2-1.3.148.jar;hsqldb.jar;%H2DRIVERS%;%CLASSPATH%" org.h2.tools.Console %*
and url as 'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1'
And then try to connect, surprisingly it connects but with no data. Seems like it is creating a seperate server on its own and its a different db. So there is no data.
To make the in-memory database available for another process, you need to start a TCP server in the same process as the database was opened. Example:
package db;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import org.h2.tools.Server;
public class TestMem {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
// open the in-memory database within a VM
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test");
conn.createStatement().execute("create table test(id int)");
// start a TCP server
// (either before or after opening the database)
Server server = Server.createTcpServer().start();
// .. use in embedded mode ..
// or use it from another process:
System.out.println("Server started and connection is open.");
System.out.println("URL: jdbc:h2:" + server.getURL() + "/mem:test");
// now start the H2 Console here or in another process using
// java org.h2.tools.Console -web -browser
System.out.println("Press [Enter] to stop.");
System.out.println("Stopping server and closing the connection");