I have a problem with Datetime field in my Rails app. I have a validation that should accept valid Datetime, and allows null or blank values (code is from my question yesterday):
include ActiveModel::Validations
class DateValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record,attribute,value)
record.errors[attribute] << "must be a valid datetime" unless ((DateTime.parse(value) rescue nil))
validates :datetime_field :date => true, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true
However, when set datetime_field to some string, my model overrides the previous value of datetime_field and sets it to nil (in rails console I get the following:
object.update_attributes("datetime_field" => "Now")
How to stop setting my datetime field to nil after updating with string, and at the same time keep being able to blank this field explicitly?
You validations are strange: datetime_field should be a date and at the same time it can be nil or blank. But nil or blank can't be date. So your validation should sounds like: datetime_field should be DATE or BLANK or NIL
include ActiveModel::Validations
class DateOrBlankValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record,attribute,value)
record.errors[attribute] << "must be a valid datetime or blank" unless value.blank? or ((DateTime.parse(value) rescue nil))
validates :datetime_field :date_or_blank => true
Just for notice. nil.blank? => true
. So you never need to validate something if it is nil
if you are checking if it is blank?
. Blank?
will return true for empty objects and for nil objects: "".blank? => true
, nil.blank? => true
Is your datetime_field marked as datetime in your migration?
If so datetime_field is being set to nil becouse string you've passed isn't valid datetime string. Try doing this instead:
object.update_attributes("datetime_field" => "2010-01-01")
Is suppose then
should return