
Constructor parameter naming for clarity with passing in anonymous methods

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-12 08:16 出处:网络
I\'m interested in the readability of my code when passing anonymous methods into delegate parameters:

I'm interested in the readability of my code when passing anonymous methods into delegate parameters:

                var touchListener = new TouchListener(
                down:(v, e) => 
                    //Handle the down event
                up:(v, e) =>
                   //Handle the up event

As you can see I have named the parameters down and up, so that it is more obvious what these anonymous methods are doing.

Here is the TouchListener class for clarit开发者_开发技巧y (it is working against MonoDroid, but that isn't important here):

    public class TouchListener : View.IOnTouchListener
    public delegate void OnTouchAction(View v, MotionEvent e);

    private OnTouchAction down;
    private OnTouchAction up;

    public TouchListener(OnTouchAction down, OnTouchAction up)
        this.down = down;
        this.up = up;

    public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e)
        switch (e.Action)
            case MotionEventActions.Down:

            case MotionEventActions.Up:


        return true;

Perhaps my approach is wrong, and I am overusing anonymous methods? However it is saving a lot of code.

From a Javascript / jQuery perspective, this is pretty clear code; even without the named parameters. Tossing anonymous functions around is just the way events are handled.

However, from a C# perspective it's pretty unclear. (Almost?) none of the .NET library uses anonymous functions for event-handling. So save yourself the hassle and just use real events for this.

var touchListener = new TouchListener();
touchListener.OnTouchDown += (v,e) => Console.WriteLine("Hehe, I said touchdown");
touchListener.OnTouchUp += (v,e) => Console.WriteLine("Mweh");


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