<!doctype html>
<script src=file.js></script>
// some code
<!doctype html>
<script src=file.js></script>
// different code
You can also check the location or the DOM in your JavaScript but the above is as simple as it gets.
Other ways, in file.js:
if (location.href == 'something') {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Or, using jQuery:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
if ( $('h1').text() == 'Main Page' ) {
} else {
// something ...
Page type 1:
<body class="one">
Page type 2:
<body class="two">
...code for all pages...
...code for pages of type 1...
else if($('body').hasClass('two'))
...code for pages of type 2...
...code for all pages...
I'm far from being a JavaScript guru, so I don't know how you might do this in pure JS. As rsp says, you could also split your code into separate files - one for code that will be needed in all pages, and files with page specific code which are only loaded on the page where they're required.