I am having a paragraph and i want to make every first letter of the word into a capital letter using PHP.
converting every first letter into capital letter.
should convert into
Converting Every First Letter Into Capital Letter.
Than开发者_运维技巧k You
If this is strictly for presentation, you can also use CSS for this:
- capitalize: transforms the first character in each word to uppercase; all other characters remain unaffected — they’re not transformed to lowercase, but will appear as written in the document.
p {
text-transform: capitalize
- http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/text-transform
There's a function for that — ucwords()
echo ucwords("converting every first letter into capital letter.");
For converting every first letter capital use the below code
$data = "converting every first letter into capital letter.";
echo ucwords($data);
Output: Converting Every First Letter Into Capital Letter.
For converting the first letter capital in a sentence use the below code Ex)
$data = "converting every first letter into capital letter.";
echo ucfirst($data);
Output: Converting every first letter into capital letter.
For converting the first letter capital in all sentence use the below code. Ex)
$string = "this is a first message. this is a second message. this is a third message! hope this helps.";
$string = strtolower($string);
echo preg_replace('/(^|[\.!?]"?\s+)([a-z])/e', '"$1" . ucfirst("$2")', $string);
Output: This is a first message. This is a seconde message. This is a third message! Hope this helps.
Nithin Raja, your example is great! Below the code adjusted for >= PHP7 Thanks!
$string = "Olá, tudo bem? Esta é a minha segunda frase.\nAqui já estou na terceira. E agora encerrando o texto.";
$capitalize = preg_replace_callback('/(^|[\.!?]"?\s+)([a-z])/', function($parte){return $parte[1] . ucfirst($parte[2]);}, $string);
echo nl2br($capitalize);