I have been given the task of coding the form below. I was planning to do it using tables, however my instructor told me to do it using d开发者_开发问答ivs, since it takes up more resources or something(I think he said it was intensive). I can do it using divs, but I think it is a waste of time because I could make the below form easily using tables(I mean quickly).
Any ideas as to how to proceed, what to use, tables or divs or some thing better ??
As long as the form looks the way it should and validates valid HTML 4 or xhtml breeds, you're good to go unless your instructor def wants you to use divs and css to create the layout. I would recommend the latter if you really want to get proficient in modern practices using css based layouts. Good luck!
They are not mutually exclusive. You could use divs for the main panels and tables within the divs to layout controls and text.