This is how I define my app:
(defroutes index
(GET "/" [] (main-page))
(GET "/form" [] (render-page "Vote" (render-form)))开发者_Go百科
(POST "/vote" {params :params} (post-vote params))
(route/not-found "Page not found"))
(def app (site index))
(defservice app)
The site here is used to capture :params, which is a new in compojure 0.6.0. However I'm getting a empty map in post-vote. I wonder what's wrong with the above code?
If you are running this on google app engine, I don't think you can use the (site) convenience function as it includes ring's (wrap-multipart-params) function which uses a java class not permitted by google.
Unless you are uploading a file from your form, you probably don't need multipart-params. Try removing compojure.handler from your namespace and replacing your (def app (site index)) with something like:
(def app
(-> index
Cheers, Colin
as I replied in the mailing-list, please ensure, that your form is really sending the params (input controls in html form have to have name="..." attribute)