I'm trying to remove all reports from a list, which are not created in a certain range of calender weeks (a property of each report). S开发者_如何转开发ince I want to learn LINQ, I started with this:
List<Reporte> reports = ReadAllReports();
List<sbyte> importantWeeks = GetRelevantWeeks(); // e.g. 49,51,52,1,2,3
// Remove irrelevant reports (from irrelevant calender weeks) doesn't work
IEnumerable<Reporte> importantReports = from oneReport in reports where oneReport.Kalenderwoche ??INRANGE importantWeeks?? select oneReport;
Could you help me with the correct syntax for the linq statement?
Thanks for any help!
I suspect you want:
var importantReports = from oneReport in reports
where importantWeeks.Contains(oneReport.ReportWeek)
select oneReport;
which could be written more concisely as:
var importantReports = reports.Where(x => importantWeeks.Contains(x.ReportWeek));
Note that if importantWeeks
becomes larger, you may want to consider using HashSet<int>
instead of List<int>
var importantReports = reports.Where(r => importantWeeks.Contains(r.KalenderWoche)));