on my server i've got an xml file for each client which holds the packets which the client had not received. i need to access multiple client files on a server side. This happens from multiple background threads.
i'm looking for a way to create mutual Exclusion an a specific file. For example let's say iv'e got two clients john and tom and the method running in the background _AppendToUnsent
now lets say john has 2 packets to append and tom has 3. 2 threads would be dispatched for john and three for tom. i don't want to block a thread writing to tom.xml because a different thread is writing to john.xml
i would however want to block a second thread trying to access john.xml while a different one is already writing to the file
private static void _AppendToUnSent(object obj)
append_packets_mutex.WaitOne(); // this will block all threads no matter if the writing to the same file or not
// holds the name and the packet
KeyValuePair<String, byte[]> _pair = (KeyValuePair<String, byte[]>)obj;
XmlDocument _doc = new XmlDocument();
// build the path of the file
StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder();
if (!File.Exists(_builder.ToString()))
{ // if the file dosent exist create it
XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = _doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null);
XmlElement rootNode = _doc.CreateElement(_pair.Value.ToString());
_doc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, _doc.DocumentElement);
XmlElement _packets_node = _doc.CreateElem开发者_开发百科ent("Packets");
catch (Exception es)
Console.WriteLine("Could Not save packet for " + _pair.Key);
// create and save a new <Packet> Node
XmlNode declarition_node = _doc.FirstChild;// <Xml......>
XmlNode packets_node = declarition_node.NextSibling;// <Messages>
XmlElement _packet_node = _doc.CreateElement("Packet");// <Packet>
_packet_node.InnerText = Convert.ToBase64String(_pair.Value);//43rg43g43yt42g.... // Encode to base64
_packet_node.AppendChild(_packet_node);// <Packet>43rg43g43yt42g....</Packet>
catch (Exception es)
Console.WriteLine("Could Not save packet from " + _pair.Key);
append_packets_mutex.ReleaseMutex(); // realese the genrel mutex for this operaition
} // end _AppendToUnsente here
Your options:
- Since you are concerned with single thread access to a file on disk, you could open the file in exclusive read mode, which will prevent any other threads from opening the file until the file is closed.
- You could use named mutexes, and use the name of the file for the name of the mutex associated with the file.