I've got a j开发者_开发技巧Panel with a jButton, and the user can define the size of the jPanel when launching the application using parameters, the jButton sizes according to the jPanel.
The problem is when I use a fixed font and the Panel is large, then the font looks very small, and vica versa.
So the font size should always be the maximum font size who fits in the button.
Not sure, but you might find the size using the Graphics.getFontMetrics() method inside the paintComponent-method? Maybe you can use the FontMetrics.getStringBounds() methods and test if the button contains that rectangle (RectangularShape.contains()).
You could use a binary search algorithm to find the max font.
Make sure you take the insets into account.
Rather than messing with different font sizes. I would suggest playing with the layout and keep the button from growing with the Panel size. Allow the extra space to be taken up by other components in your panel.