
Separate Worker Thread in Forms

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-11 15:44 出处:网络
I\'ve got a Windows Forms Application that does some data fetching from various places. Because of this I\'ve made a thread that fetches and updates the graphical stuff (progressbar, textfields++).

I've got a Windows Forms Application that does some data fetching from various places. Because of this I've made a thread that fetches and updates the graphical stuff (progressbar, textfields++).

But I'm having some problems quitting it, the thread that is. It goes something like this:

Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Loop))

and the Loop function

void Loop
 开发者_如何转开发   {
        if( parent window isDisposed )

        fetch and update stuff goes in here...


Closing the window will make the while break, but it is now disposed??

As Johann has suggested you might want to look at BackgroundWorker object. However if this is a learning project and you'd just like to familiarize yourself about threads then by all means!

What I'd suggest is adding a new volatile boolean variable, something like this.

volatile bool CancelationPending = false;
Thread T = new Thread(new ThreadStart(method));
CancelationPending = false;
void method () {
    while (!CancelationPending)
        /* do stuff*/

and on your Form you can add OnClosing event in which you can:

private void OnClosing(object sender, EventArgs e)
    CancelationPending = true;

In such scenarios I often use an AutoResetEvent for waiting inside the loop, paired with a method offering the caller to indicate that the threaded operation should be cancelled. You can make use of the return value in AutoResetEvent.WaitOne and use that as a cancel flag in itself (it returns true if it Set is called, false if it times out):

private AutoResetEvent waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);

void Loop()
        fetch and update stuff goes in here...

        if (waitHandle.WaitOne(5000))

public void Cancel()

One simple way is to define a bool parameter that you use instead of while(true) and a method to set it to false:

bool threadRunning = false;

Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Loop));
threadRunning = true;

void Loop()
        if( parent window isDisposed )

        fetch and update stuff goes in here...


public void stopThread() 
    threadRunning = false;

Bear in mind though it can still take up to 5 seconds for the thread to stop (or however long your sleep value is set for)

Note: you will need to use the 'InvokeRequired' pattern if the thread updates any controls created by other threads, see: Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

It may be easier for you to use a BackgroundWorker object. It also supports cancellation and has built-in progress reporting capabilities.

I would use a static member of the thread to initiate a controled stop of the thread and add in the form's unload something like this:

        stopToDo = true;
        while (todoThread.IsAlive)

in the thread you have to do something like this:


If you just want your new thread to exit when the main thread (probably your GUI thread) exits, you can make your new thread a background thread:

Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Loop));
t.IsBackground = true;


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