Im using VS 2008 and I have created an application and Setup file using C#. The setup file contain only standard setup interfaces provide by visual studio 2008. I need to check windows registry and get some folder path and copy some files to my application folder while installation. Simply I need to add custom code while installation. Standard interfaces.
- Welcome
- Installation Folder
- Confirm Installation
- Progress
- Finished I need.
- Welcome
- Installation Folder
- Confirm Installation
- Progress
- Finished
MY Custom Action performs the below action.
Ex: Get registry path.
object test= Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Kofax Image Products\\Ascent Capture\\3.0"
///Copy some files to my application folder from test path.
How can I do that?
You can always create your own custom action (based on existing panels for the UI)
Take a look at Scott's post entry on the subject
you can find there how to create a Setup project and add a custom action to it.
I hope it helps.
You could add a custom action, although you wouldn't have an interface in the setup for it. It is "just" code.