In Visio 2007, I can only seem to set the cardinality of the Parent-to-child relationship, but I want to set the Child-to-Parent as well. Is there a开发者_如何学JAVA reason Visio won't let me do this? Do I need to create a separate relationship to achieve this? I'm using two Entity objects/shapes and a Relationship object/shape.
Note: I got the cardinality to appear on the diagram by going Database > Options >> Document and checking the Cardinality box.
From Menu; Database > Options >> Document
Click Relationship Tab. You will see Name Display. Check "show verb phase". Choose "Foward text", "Inverse text" or both.. That depands on your wish.
Visio uses multiplicity/cardinality on both sides when completing a UML Model Diagram; double-clicking the connector will allow you to select the multiplicity/cardinality from the drop-down options for both directions. Using the Entity setup will just give you a check box that is relatively useless for what you want to do.