I was going over some tips from javacodegeeks. Was wondering if this article summarizes all the tips and best practices.
Are there anymore that I should be thinking of
I'd add one more: logging is the "hello world" of aspect oriented programming. If you aren't using aspects, you're writing too much code.
I liked the referenced article very much. The only thing i miss is: Define a logging strategy before you start developping an applicaton
Usually logging means writing messages a la "now im doing this" or "Caught Exception Xy".
With "logging strategy" i mean decide who will see what type of message under which circumstances. In my applications if usually have
- technical message for developper/admins. purpose: to document and fix problems.
- messages that might be displayed to endusers (i.e. in the statusbar or parts of an errormessage). These should be understandable by endusers
- a definition which logginglevel (verbose, debug, info, warn, error, fatal) is used when.